Saturday, February 21, 2015

Snacks for the week

My girls receive snack time at school (I thought that ended after Kindergarten...) They were told no chips, cookies, or gummies for snacks which works fine for our house, but trying to keep it fresh is sometimes a challenge.

I try to prepack the snacks on the weekend that way they can just grab what sounds good for that day.

This week I have prepared the following baggies of snack for their lunch boxes:

  • Pretzels
  • Snapeas
  • Almonds with 5 chocolate covered raisins
  • Peanuts with 5 chocolate covered raisins
  • Sugar Free Jell-o (amazingly it takes just like the normal Jell-o)

What snacks do you send with your children to school? I will be heading to Costco to see if I can find some other fun items to throw in their lunch boxes the next few weeks.

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