Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuesday lunches

Two years ago our family started to work at eating healthier. I thought that it would be a hard transition for my children, but they have adapted very well. They now request specific fruits and veggies to be placed on our grocery list.

My girls are just like me. I use to be able to eat a sandwich every day for lunch and that is the only main item they want in their lunch everyday. I have tried to mix it up a little so they will not get too bored (peanut butter, peanut butter with honey, peanut butter and jelly).

Tomorrows lunch includes carrots, apples, cantaloupe, grapes, peanut butter celery, hard boiled egg, yogurt, an orange, and a sandwich.

My oldest loves all different fruits while my middle child loves greens. Trying to keep all their likes and dislikes in order is sometimes a jumbled challenge, but I like that we now have colored containers to help make it a little easier.
Do you have any healthy foods your children enjoy?

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